CDC Dry Flies
Grand Selection of Dry Flies
Grand Selection of Dry Flies
Product Description:
It is always Troutfitters professional fly tyers goal to simplify the normally daunting task of which flies should I tie. This is especially true when it comes to dry fly selections. It is the many hours daily during trout season that we spend on the water testing our flies that we can so boldly say "these are the flies you need". With these patterns; CDC skitter caddis, CDC dun and CDC spinner tied in a few colours (kit includes 6 colours of superfine dubbing) along with a proper presentation will produce fish. There are 3 x 20 pack hooks of the right size so this kit can tie up to 60 dry flies for your enjoyment. Do NOT forget to order Troutsman Dry Fly treatment because this is the only dry fly dressing that works on CDC materials.